Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Worst of the Worst

I haven't seen a lot of these movies...but, if Battlefield Earth isn't even in the top ten...this could be a big pile of shitty movies.

9 Most Racist Disney Characters

Racism is Funny!

New Ideas

So...I'm going to start putting different things on this blog. Things I like/Dislike/am indefferent to. Whatever I want. It's my blog, and I'll do with it what I will. Now READ!

Ripping My Hair Out!

I've decided that Being a Cincinnati Bengals fan is very hazardous to my health. No a drive can go by where I don't feel like ripping my hair out and throwing the remote at the tv. I wish I wish I wish I had a team to root for like the Colts or the Patriots. Unfortunately...I hate the Pats..and if I root for the Colts I'm a'm screwed with what I go..and...what I got ain't good.

So, here's what's new.

Well, I still don't have a job...but, I have been working. Plum St. Productions has started getting work. I've written the first draft of a short film we've will start shooting on Oct. 11th. My writing partner, Alex Shebar and I, have written the first commercial for KT's Barbecue. If you don't know who that's the BBQ place with the Big Boobied Mannequin. So, we've started some work for them. Good things are on the horizon., and sooner or later I'm sure I'll find a job. of right now, things are starting to come up Livesay!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So, we are puppy sitting this week. My mom, as some of you may or may not know, is part of the Ohio Pug Rescue. They take care of all the pugs that people shut to the side and mis-treat. So, Mom and Dad are in Florida this week for vacation. We are watching a dog that...for some reason...they've decided to name "Rummy" because apparently he was found tied to a dumpster. Lame..right? So, I decided to name him Squints. He's got a bad eye. So, it only makes sense to name him after the kid from "The Sandlot". So...without further ado...I give you Squints...or Squincy Jones.