Blog This: My Life In Words and Pictures

Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Worst Thing I've Ever Seen...Thanks Kathy Lee

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Star Wars Vs. Boogie Nights

Two favorite movies jammed together in one giant ball of awesomeness!

Techno Granny

I wish I could find more people like this around me. My grandma needs to learn to dance....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

One more choice...

19 Votes for the suit
8 Votes for the Vest and
12 Votes for Both.

Here's the other choice...let me know what you think!

I need your Help!

I have a huge job interview tomorrow...I need your help on what to wear! My interview is for Warm98 (The Radio Station) and I'm looking to update their Adult Top 40 appearance. So...I'm a fan of the Vest. But, The suit is always Classy. You be the judge...I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scott's Rules to Trick-or-Treating

Rules for Trick or treating:
If you don't say, "Trick or Treat"-You don't get candy.
If you don't say, "Thank you" after taking the candy-
I take it back.
If you have boobs-You’re too old.
If you wear cologne- You’re too old.
If your idea of a costume is sun glasses-
You’re too old.
If you’re not wearing a costume, you don’t
get candy.
If you’re showing cleavage and you’re only 14 years
old-Your parents need to be smacked.(And put some clothes on!)
Mom’s pushing strollers with sleeping babies-Don’t take
candy for a baby who is not going to eat candy.
Don’t dress like you’re going to a college Halloween
party i.e. a Slutty (Anything) while taking your kids
out Trick-or-Treating
If you’re rude, and complain that you only get one
free piece of candy-I get to slap you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My First Commercial

So, you all know about the production company I'm a part of...Well, I, along with my writer friend Alex Shebar, wrote this commercial. It's been on ESPN, Comedy Central, and the food network for a little over a week now. It's been on several major Cincinnati Blogs, and..well, it's just awesome! Check it out!