Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's up to you????

That's right's election day. The day where you can either vote for "The Black Guy" or "The Woman". Either way, it's a big big historic vote. And you'll all be part of it. I've still got to figure out where I can vote today...because I'm not completely sure where I'm registered....but I know it's somewhere.

The thing that I'm are on the way (not yet..but I'm sure sooner than later)..and I actually have to pay attention to this world. a scary as hell. I've got to listen to these grumpy old people talk, I've got to be moved by someone, and hope that they make the best decisions for my nation..and the future of my kids (that I'll have someday), the time the next election rolls around...I'm going to have a kid (HOLY SHIT!). It's not a bad thing at all...I'm excited to be a dad, but to bring a kid into a world that you have no faith in is scary...that's why this "voting/paying attention to the world" thing is a big big deal.

I, if you care to know, will be voting for the Black Guy. When he talks...people listen. He sounds like he actually knows what's going on, and that he's got some real ideas on how things can be better around here. In all actuality, I don't think they'll be much of a change in anything whoever is elected, but in the end I think Obama is going to be a huge step forward in America. I like what he says, and as the people said when they were going to endorse Colin Powell, "He speaks so well!" He is not a crotchety old man making fun of people. AKA McCain. Sadly....when Mccain tried to run before...I would have voted for the guy, but it seems now that he's reverted into his mean, smart-mouthed childhood. Dana Carvey said taking care of an old man is like taking care of a toddler...and I think Mccain would be throwing his food on the floor and begging for toys in the department store way too soon for me. Damn Kids/Old people.

I'm just rambling's my blog..and I can do that. I'm on break at work..and I felt the need to speak my mind! So...go vote! and in the words of the weirdly opaque pop-star Michael Jackson..."Make that change!"


1 comment:

Angie said...

So that nearly made me cry. I love you!