Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Monday, November 3, 2008

We got a first timer here....

Hey kiddo's...I've blogged in the past...nothing too exciting other than my delightful "You know what really grinds my gears" awesomness...but this is a real blog spot and whatnot...So...I'ma bloggin bitches!

Things have been pretty crazy lately...I got married at the beginning of this month..(kind of a big deal). I married a delightful lady..her name's Angie. Most of you have met her...the others of you who haven't...I recommend you do so...she's the "Bee's knees".

In other, not so awesome news, 2 days after we got home from our Honeymoon we found out my mom has cancer...she has Uterine cancer. She has a complete hysterectomy on Friday...and she was released from the Hospital today (Monday). They believe they got all the cancer, and they say she should be fine in a few weeks...let's hope so. The best part of the whole ordeal was her being mean an belligerent after her surgery because she was so doped up..and for those of you who know my mom..."Doped up Teresa" couldn't be funnier. But I'm completely relieved that she's alright, I don't know what I'd do without her...she's bailed me out so many times..but more than that...She's the first woman in my life...and she and Angie have grown very close. I can't think of not having her thing for me..and everyone else, she's gonna be around for a while! LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!!!

Alright folks...I'm tired..and I'm quitting this blog thing for the evening. I shall write again soon...probably tomorrow if something super or awesome happens to me...or if I'm pissed...of bored...or feel like talking shit about someone...for any of those reason...I'll be back. Don't miss it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scott, tell your mom she's awesome and I know she'll do great. Best wishes to her!
