Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

NYE 2008

My Bitches...

It's December 31st, 2008. New Years eve. I had the day off work, so I had the ability to sit around all day and watch movie/prep for staying up past 9:30 tonight. I'm an old man...I seriously go to sleep by 9:30-10:00 each night. Staying up till midnight might kill me...but..I'm going to power through. We've having some friends over, we're making a "fancy" dinner..and by that I do mean spaghetti and all meatballs are fancy..and delicious...that's right, I said it. Some people go to clubs (lame) some people go to bars (lame) this guy hang out at his crib w/ his peeps and makes dinner and plays Guitar Hero! That's the way to really ROCK in the new year!

I hope you all have careful...don't hook up with anyone who's "questionable" dont' want to itch all of 2009!!! Don't drink and drive...and always remember to have your pets spay or nudered! 2 days in a row I've blogged...we'll see how 2009 starts..I'll let you know how my evening was tomorrow...and we'll start this new year our together!!!

Be good to yourself and eachother!


Angie said...

way to blog two days in a row, sweetie! I love you!

Anonymous said...

how is it december 31, 2009 in your neck of the woods? do you live in an alternate universe that's exactly one year ahead of everyone else? may i remind you that you live in cincinnati, and that we are actually 20 years behind everyone else? ;)