Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Step one

Alright...So, I've decided to start writing. I've been a huge fan of writing since I was in school. I've been told I'm pretty good at it, and I've always wanted to do it. I am just somewhat lazy! So...I read Stephen King's book "On Writing", and it inspired me to attempt to start this stuff up! My darling wife even bought me the book for Christmas...just to have a reminder of what I want to do...she's a sweet gal. So...for the time being, I'm going to attempt to write here every day. A blog a day...I've got 2 days before 2009...let's hope I can at least keep it going till then!!! Wish me luck kids! My writing days have begun!!!!!



Anonymous said...

yoooo can dooo eet!

check out nablopomo for some info/blog post ideas (google it, you'll get it). i also check out for her promptuesdays...sometimes that helps with writer's block. :)

also, read other blogs! a couple you may like are, and too. if you want political blogs, or blogs written by women, i have a whole slew of those too.

USE GOOGLE READER. it will be your best friend, that is, if you want more interaction with the blogosphere. :)

and please write! i'm tired of being the only person i know (irl, i mean) that blogs on a regular basis! but no pressure. ;)

Angie said...

I love you and am so proud of you for taking steps to make this a larger part of your life. I will support you every step of the way!