Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Five Guys

Tonight the wife and I took in dinner with Greg, Val, Nick O. and Nick P. at Five Guys. I'd never been, but I'd heard nothing but good about the place. They were not overhyped. Delicious, good priced, delightful atmosphere. If you've never been, it's sort of like a mix between Steak and Shake and Penn Station. Same type of fries, and the burgers sort of taste like the steak burgers at Steak and Shake, but they're much bigger, and far more delicious. We enjoyed the company, and the food. Glad we were invited out with our friends for such a pleasent evening. I've enclosed a picture so you can see just how yum-yum-tastic the burger looked. Enjoy...I did.

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