Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's been a while...

Alright, so, it's been a long time since I've blogged. Apparently, since the Steelers won the Superbowl...ugh. So, anyway...How ya doin? I've been better. I think the last time I blogged I actually had a job. Since then, I've been fired for the stupidest reasons ever, been unemployed, found a new awesome job, and then been laid off. So...basically, I'm back to where I started.

Unemployment is aweful. I feel somewhat worthless. I'm not making any money which sucks. I did apply for unemployment two days ago, so, we'll see how long I get that before I have to start hooking on the corner. Unfortunatly, for those of you who've actually seen me, I may not make a lot of money in the profession.

I've made a movie since we last spoke for the 48 hr film project. Check it out at Or go to and type in "Plum St. Productions. I wrote the movie, and acted in it. Check it out!

I also just started the whole "twitter" thing. It seems to be what all the cool people do. we'll see how long I last.

I will be back with a new blog more often. I feel like I need some sort of outlet for my rantings and ravings. What good is the internet if I can't bitch on it/about it/and about other things!?

Be back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,

Found out about you on Twitter, so I came over and read your blog. Also watched the Nick Knight video. Nicely done.

- bettrmediacincy