Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


So, I woke up at about 9 this morning. Had a bowl of cereal while I watched Thursday's DVR'd episode of Conan. Then went to the grocery. I've come to realized that I need to do my grocery shopping on just about any day but Sunday. And, if I do it on Sunday, it's gotta be before like 10 a.m. I'm not saying there's anything about church...but, at around 11 on Sunday morning, the leagues of "church folk" come out to do their shopping. You can tell them by their "high and mighty" looks, and their "far too fancy for Kroger" clothes. They take forever to look at the things that I need, they clog up my lines, the all in all put a damper on what would be a delightful trip to the grocery. Damn you church folk!

In other news, I'm currently watching The British Open. Normally I won't watch too much golf if Tiger Woods isn't in the final pairing, but, I can't not watch Tom Watson. He's older than my parents and is very close to winning the British open. It's crazy! Go Tom Watson!

We're getting ready to head off to take some Engagement pics for our friends Hakim and Alison, so I must go. But, this is two blogs in two days...I'm back babydolls!

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