Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Monday, July 20, 2009


I've recently had an itch to watch WWE wrestling again. What's the deal with that. I've actually started DVRing it! It's seriously been like 9 years since I actually watched wrestling. Back when Brian, Nick and I used to live together in Clifton we used to watch it all the time, and then order pay-per-views each month! It was such an entertaining thing. But, then we suddenly just stopped watching. It was like hope people used to love Pauley Shore, and then suddenly were just like, "FUCK Pauley Shore!" We were like that with wrestling. I don't know what happened.

Now, everyone has moved on to Ultimate Fighting. I just never got into that. At least when I loved wrestling it wasn't about people getting their faces smashed in...don't get me wrong, I changed "HOLY SHIT" when someone jumped off a ladder and smashed through a table along with everyone else. But, with wrestling there are storylines, and good guys and bad guys. It's just a huge macho soap opera. With Ultimate Fighting, it's just that, fighting. I've never been a fighter, I've always been a lover! And, while wrestling is fighting too, it's not "Real" fighting. It's stage fighting with people who like to jump off of things and through things. It's not just two guys attempting to punch through the other's face.

I get that people love Ultimate Fighting, and more power to them. But, for some reason, Wrestling has called me back. If you smeeeellleleleleleleleleleleel, what Scott, is...cookin.

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