Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2nd of 2009

So...I made it...I stayed up till nearly 2:00a.m. I made it till 2009. In the process I did watch "Dick Clark's Rockin' new years eve" And...holy crap, how sad is Dick Clark? He still seems to be in good spirits and such...but he looks terrible, and he sound terrible. I felt awkward just watching him.

My new years eve was pretty good. We hung out with some friends, I made a delicious drink we had on our honeymoon called the "Jamaican Smile" Strawberry daiquiri mix, banana, rum, ice, grapefruit juice; mix it together in my yummy blender and partially drunken Scott commenced...that alone with some pain meds for my back and I was flyin' high!

I made no New Year's resolutions this year, nor do I make them any year, because I think they're stupid and useless to make. I just plan on doing a little bit more this year, than last year. Hopefully a better job, hopefully a little more writing (Wouldn't take much seeing as how I didn't write anything much at all last year), hopefully write more than one short film with Brian and a delightful husband, and wonderful son, and a downright glorious human being (That won't take too much practice!)

I've kept up my end of this bargain. I wrote for 3 straight days. Go me! And I don't plan on quitting any time soon. I feel good writing. It makes me feel useful...even if I don't write anything worth reading! I entertain me. I always heard you should write for yourself, and I am doing that. I'm going to try to add some movie reviews on here. I'm gonna write some bit and pieces of my book that I'm attempting to write, and I'm going to be awesome for the entire year of 2009...just like I was in 2008, 07, get the idea!

Peace homies!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Good control over the ellipsis use. ;)