Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

On the 14th

So, I had my back doctor's appointment today...the very talented doctor told me he didn't know exactly what was wrong with my back. I need an MRI. Damn, damn, Damn. I am not clostrophobic, but, I really don't enjoy spending upwards of an hour in a small plastic tube while a gigantic magnet sucks whatever small pieces of metal out of my body! At my doctor's appointment today, the doctor came in pushed me around, then told me to take off my clothes and put on the far too small for me paper gown. I wasn't sure why I was getting naked for this man to check out my back. But, hey, he's a doctor, right? So, I stip, my ass is hanging out the back-side of this paper gown (that I may have accidently poked holes in..just to see if I could). A nurse come in and tells me to follow her...Say what now? So, I follow the woman through the halls of open doors and other patients, nurses, and apparently random the x-ray room. I even walked past a nurse who made a "Now that's fashion" comment...damn her! After all the random nudity is complete, the doctor comes in and tells me my x-rays look good, my spine looks a bit crooked, but, he's not sure what's wrong with me! Damn Damn damn. So, I have to spend Monday getting an MRI (The day I should be observing the greatness of Martin Luther King Jr.) and Then I have to go back to the damn doctor next Wednesday before he gives me any damn pain medicine! I mean, Seriously, What an ass!

So, I'm still in pain, the doctor was somewhat useless, and nothing has been fixed. So, I'm still stuck here bitching about my health issues. But, I just wanted to let you all know what happened at my appointment. One of these days I'll be healthy or dead...we'll see which one comes up first.


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