Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Alright, I'll be the first to admit, I am not the most healthy guy! I've got back issues, knee issues, sleep issues, diabetes, plus...I'm chubby! I threw out my back a few weeks ago, and it has yet to heal. I have an appointment on the 14th so, hopefully they can fix me. Who knows.

What's really annoying is my sleep issues. I can not fall asleep. Once I fall asleep I sleep like baby...but it's the shutting off my brain that I have issues with. I don't worry, I don't think about problems, I think about things like song lyrics, and funny lines in movies. I think about things I want to write, I think about how awesome the song, "Rock me Sexy Jesus" in the movie "Hamlet 2" is. The problem is, I just can't stop thinking about things. I can't go to sleep. I feel like Ed Norton in Fight Club, but you know, without the schizophrenia. So, the doctor told me about this glorious little pill called Ambien. Sure, it makes me hallucinate, sure it makes me forget things that happen the night before, by by God, it make me sleep! So, I started taking it, and I've slept well. I've actually slept so well that I've tried to ween myself off of it, it's not working, but I'm at least trying. I called to have my prescription refilled, called the pharmacy and the lady told me to come in in an hour. 40 mins later, I got a call from some guy at the pharmacy telling me that my prescription wont be filled till tomorrow. I asked why, he said, because we won't refill it till tomorrow. I told him, "You don't close for 3 hours, you can't fill it in 3 hours?" He says, "It was called in too late, and we won't refill it until tomorrow." I told him it was a sleeping medicine, and I really couldn't sleep without it, and he told me there was nothing they could do. Which I know is bullshit, but...yeah. That's what's really annoying. I hate the pharmacy now. I'd boycott it if they didn't give me such wonderful pills!

So, needless to say, I will not be sleeping tonight. If anyone else knows of any other way to get me to fall asleep at night, I'm all ears! Daddy needs his sleep! HELP HELP ME!!!!

If you need me, I won't be sleeping! Find me!

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