Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Studo 60

Okay...seriously. What happened to this show. I know it came out the same time as 30Rock. I know people didn't get it. I know people thought it was supposed to be just like 30Rock. But, seriously. What happened. It's a great show. It's Aaron's Matthew Perry (in very funny, smartass form). I just don't understand how it didn't last more than 1 year. I started re-watching it today. I've gotten through 4 episodes, and I like it. If people could get past the fact that it's not a 30 minute non-stop laugh show (like 30Rock), I think it could have lasted for more than 9 months! I am at a lack of words tonight...I just wanted to talk about this...I know it'll do ntohing...but, at least I wrote a blog today!

I'm Awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i liked studio 60 too, even though it DID have amanda peet in it, whom i absolutely can't stand.