Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Monday, January 19, 2009

What the hell!?!?!?!

Alright, so you all know about my stupid broken back. Well, I got my MRI today. It was the smallest MRI machine on the face of the earth. But, thats over with. Since Friday, I've been teething like a small baby. I've got a wisdom tooth coming in, and it's ripping through my gums like a small tooth shaped knife!!!! I went out and bought Ambisole or whatever it's called...and it does work, and numb my painful teething area, but it only works for like 8 minutes before I have to re-apply. How is that a useful product??? So, I'm enfebeled again. it just seems like nothing is going right with my poor pathetic body. I'm half tempted to go to a dentist and have this bitch-tooth ripped out, but I doubt they would do it...I apparently have enough space in my mouth for it...stupid jerk mouth! I'll never complain about my future child whining about teething when I finally have one...I want one of those frozen pretzel teething rings! Ugh...

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