Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sundays...Oh sweet Sundays...

So, Sunday is, by far, my favorite day of the week. I wake up late, I make something delicious for breakfast (although I had nothing this morning because I was too lazy to make anything.) I tend to watch a bit of Sportcenter first, then I find a movie to watch, then football. (or whatever delightful sport is on) Today, I rolled out of bed at the brisk hour of 10:30-10:45....found "Death To Smoochy" on the tv...I haven't watched that since it came out. It was alright...not great..but, alright. I watched a football game, the woman bought a pizza, I ate, watched some tv for the next, I'd say, 5 hours. Had pork chops and baked potatos for dinner, watched some more tv, and then passed out. All in all, it was a great day.

I love Sundays. On days like this, you'd think I'd be inspired to do...I don't know, something. But, the truth is, lately, I've not had it in me. My back's been screwed up, I feel like a fatty, but, I have been writing at least a little everyday for the past week. I feel pretty good about that. So, at least it's a start.

I'm going to go back to watch "How I met your Mother" right now, but, no worries. I will be back tomorrow with more nonsense from my life. Enjoy!

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