Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Follow up to annoying...

As predicted...I was correct on the no sleeping thing. I went to bed at 10, I laid there, I got up at 6:20. There was no sleep. There was needless thinking. There were questions in my head like, "On the Elton John/Billy Joel Tour, who chooses the set list?" and "Why does it feel like the rest of my body is asleep, but I'm WIDE FREAKIN' AWAKE!?!?!?!!" Amongst other thoughts. Does anyone know why I'm like this? One of the crazy ladies I work with said it was because I was a Pisces, and I was borderline psychic, and I was hearing other peoples thoughts. Yes, that's right, because it's that quiet time of night, I can hear other people's thoughts...because I was born in March. Fun, huh?

I'm going to have to look like a nutjob and go to the doctor and tell him I can't turn off my head. I need to see some sort of special sleeping doctor to help me deal with this...otherwise I'm going to turn into an Ambien Junkie! And, while it helps, I'm pretty sure it's going to get to the point where I wake up in the morning in someone else's house because these crazy pills have made me get up and drive somewhere in the middle of the night and commit breaking an entering without me knowing it! And, while hallucinating is fun and all, my wife is not a fan of me yelling at the dog for "Ruining the shot!" And making up very long and well thought out songs in which I serenade the dog who is laying on my pillow. I must get the Sleeping pill monkey off my back...and on that note, I'll be picking up my new prescription of Ambien on my way home from work!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've had the same problem at times. my friend also has that problem ALL the time. generally, i'd say that circular thinking, or the inability to "turn your brain off" is the result of ADD, or possibly an anxiety or depression-related issue.

personally i've found that when it happens to me, i'm in some sort of funk, or there's something major going on in my life at that time. my friend just turns on the tv and falls asleep watching it, she says it distracts her mind. it could be any number of things, but the ones i mentioned are the ones i've had personal experience with. hope this helps. :)