Sometimes I'm so Awesome I need to write things down!

Monday, January 12, 2009

A realization...

So, I've realized that a lot of my blogs consist of me bitching about my health. I apologize for this, but I figure that if you all wanna know about my life, besides my wife, I feel the physical pain I exerience is the second biggest part of my life! Ridiclous, no!? One of these days, I'll either get better, or, ya know, die. So, let's hope for the first one. But, I'll attempt to keep my poor poor health out of my blog. But, who am I kidding...I bitch because, it's really what I do best. So, tell your friends, "hey, there's a guy whos' hurt all the time! Listen to him bitch!!!" At least it's not you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

everyone has something that they bitch about in their blogs. i think it's just a matter of turning it into something that people want to read. i.e. i tend to go on political or feminist rants on occasion, but if i educate myself on it, i can write about it with knowledge. not that i don't still devolve into whiny vitriol from time to time, but i think you get what i'm saying.... :)